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Startups and Business Ideas For Beginners

Startups are companies that can transform an entire industry and create a significant impact. They typically start with a small amount of capital and quickly grow into a profitable business and successful, with the most successful ones eventually becoming unicorns — companies valued at more than $1B.

Many of the startups are technological-based However, they can be found across all industries. Some, like Slack are focused on workplace communication and others, such as Instacart are grocery delivery services. Successful startups, regardless of their business models, generally offer a new solution to a problem customers don’t realize they have.

The startup process involves an immense amount of hard work and risk, however the rewards can be huge. For those who are looking to get started with an own business, there are several sources available to assist. Some startups receive seed funding from accelerator programs like Y Combinator while others gain an advantage through the help of money and guidance from VCs or angel investors. More than 90 percent of startups fail. It’s essential to take steps to lower your chance of becoming one of those.

Some of the best business ideas for beginners are consumer products, services, and eCommerce. A coffee shop, for example is a cost-effective startup that offers a variety of products that can generate significant profits each month. A company that helps people book and find living spaces can also be a cost-effective business.

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