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The Importance of Data Management

Data management is a process which involves ingesting and analyzing data in order to make strategic decisions. Any company should have a sound strategy for data management especially in light of the exponential growth of data being driven by new technologies like hybrid cloud and artificial intelligent.

Garbage in, garbage out. Data managers used this mantra to solve the problem that incorrect or insufficient data was feeding into the first computer systems, which led to poor decision-making and operational inefficiencies, as well as headaches. The same principle is applicable to businesses trying to increase their revenue, productivity and customer experience through the use of data-driven insights.

To make data actionable, companies need to find the right balance of speed and scale within their data environments. As data volumes grow the need to cut down on processing times and avoid performance issues becomes more critical.

There are a growing number SaaS, iPaaS, and cloud-based applications that help you gather, store and integrate data for your business. The first step in developing a successful strategy for managing data is to define your business goals. The clarity of your goals will assist you to identify processes, governance, tools and more. This will also ensure you’re only capturing and maintaining the data that’s relevant to your decision-making needs. It will also stop your data-related environment from becoming crowded and difficult to manage. It will also keep your team focusing on the right questions that can be answered using your data and keep them from spending time on unnecessary searches.

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