Online document repositories are digital safe-keeping systems that store industry documents in one location accessible to authorized users at any time. It is designed with security features such as password protection, data encryption and audit trails. This helps to prevent data breaches and other security issues and protects the integrity and security of your organization’s sensitive information.
Online repositories are able to categorize files using specialized indexing techniques, keeping each document in order for easy access. They also include features that automatically scan and convert physical documents to their digital counterparts, stocking them in databases for immediate retrieval. This is made possible by the aid of OCR (optical character recognition) that allows searching on documents with full text and not just the metadata, such as folder titles or file names.
Additionally, document repositories offer collaborative features that enhance workflows for teams. Multiple employees can work on the same document in real-time while editing and commenting. This feature improves productivity by removing the need to send several versions of a document or emails that contain attachments.
Documents can be searched with keywords or the entire text. They are also divided by content into different categories. This improves the searchability for documents and helps employees locate the exact document that they are looking for. Additionally the system will automatically save the copy of any changes made to the document, which can be accessed at any point in case of a need to reverse.
Additionally, a repository permits for integration with other systems that are used by the business to streamline processes and build an operational ecosystem. It supports a variety of formats for files and a variety of APIs, which allows smooth communication between various systems.