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How to Increase the Quality and Reliability of Online Questionnaires and Web Experiments

Questionnaires are designed to collect information in a research study. Some questionnaires use both open and closed types of questions, while others mix the two. Open questions allow respondents to answer in their own terms while closed questions give an assortment of predetermined responses which they can choose from. Questionnaires can be administered in several ways, including through face-to–face interviews, phone calls, postal mail, or online.

Surveys using online questionnaires have become more frequent however it is important to ensure that the data collected are reliable and valid. To do this, the researcher should be able of accurately measuring responses and keep track of the number of people who respond to the survey. The researcher should also be able to identify the reasons that a person may not respond and take steps to address these issues (e.g., sampling bias).

Online questionnaires are also cheaper than traditional methods. This makes them an attractive alternative to traditional questionnaire based research. However, this method does not come without problems. Online questionnaires are challenging to evaluate in terms of their validity and quality and could have an impact on the social esteem of the sample of respondents.

Fortunately, there are many methods to minimize the impact advantages and disadvantages of questionnaires of these limitations on online questionnaires and web-based experiments. This article discusses several specific strategies that can be used by researchers to improve the reliability and quality of their online questionnaires, such as: (i) paying participants when they are finished with the questionnaire, which results in an equivalence rate that is lower than waiting for all responses or an intermediate procedure; (iii) asking participants to enter their name for receipt preparation doesn’t reduce or increase the social appeal of answers; and (iv) framing the fixed portion of the participant’s fee as “for taking the survey” and giving progress feedback improves the quality of answers.

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