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Board of Directors Vs Advisory Board

It is quite common for people to misunderstand the difference between a advisory board and a board of directors especially if they’re unfamiliar with the distinction. The confusion could be due to common terminology (both boards are referred to “the board”) or a lack of clear documentation regarding the function of an advisory board in the bylaws or rules of the company and a distinction in the fiduciary duties.

A board of directors is the governing body of an organisation. It is empowered to make major decisions, such as the replacement of the CEO, or changes to the executive management. It can also hold management accountable for its actions. Board members are bound by an obligation of fiduciary to the company and could be legally accountable if they don’t meet the requirements of this standard.

Advisory boards, on other hand, offer advice to a company and its leadership. They may be able recommend specific changes or projects however, it is ultimately the decision of the business’s leadership the company to accept or reject the advice.

An advisory board is comprised of individuals who are knowledgeable and have a wealth of industry knowledge. Those who play an advisory role can assist the company in staying on top of the trends and making recommendations to help it grow. It could be as easy and straightforward as streamlining customer service based on recent buying patterns or as intricate as creating a new global growth strategy.

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