Aljabar Linear



  • Course Overview:

This subject gives the opportunity for students to master the basic techniques of Linear Algebra and gain knowledge on how to implement said techniques in solving System of linear equa- tionss, determining the bases and dimension of vector space, as well as calculating eigen values and eigen vectors. This subject also gives students the opportunity to work with other objects, especially vectors and matrices.

  • Daftar Topik:
    • Matrix
    • System of linear equations
    • Determinan
    • Vector
    • Euclid vector
    • General vector space
    • Eigen value
    • Linier transformation

Informasi Tambahan


Jadetabek, Bandung dan Lainnya


Universitas, Universitas Tingkat Atas

Class Type

Regular, International Class

Private / Group Total Member

1 (Private), 2 (Group), 3 (Group), 4 (Group), 5 (Group), 6 (Group), 7 (Group), 8 (Group), 9 (Group), 10 (Group), 11 (Group), 12 (Group), 13 (Group), 14 (Group), 15 (Group)


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