Kimia Dasar Semester 1 (Teknik) UI



  • Course Overview:

As an engineer, you must have understanding on the chemistry that provides not only the basis for much of what goes on in our world but also that it is a vital, continually developing science.

  • Daftar Topik:

matter and measurement; atoms, molecules, and ions; stoichiometry; aqueous reactions; thermochemistry; properties of solutions

  • Daftar Sub Topik:

Matter and its changes, the components of atom, ions and molecules, atomic electronic structure, stoichiometry, major chemical reactions, kinetic theory of gases, solutions

Informasi Tambahan


Jadetabek, Bandung dan Lainnya


Universitas, Universitas Tingkat Atas

Class Type

Regular, International Class

Private / Group Total Member

1 (Private), 2 (Group), 3 (Group), 4 (Group), 5 (Group), 6 (Group), 7 (Group), 8 (Group), 9 (Group), 10 (Group), 11 (Group), 12 (Group), 13 (Group), 14 (Group), 15 (Group)


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