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Relevant range Financial Definition

The purchasing department must be aware of the quantity ranges within which volume discounts from suppliers are applicable. For example, a supplier may offer a 20% discount if the buyer orders a minimum of 10,000 units. If the order declines to 9,000 units, then only a 10% discount applies. The company, BlankBooks, Inc., sells the journals to a wholesaler for $10.00 each.

Thus, the relevant range of this fixed cost is up to a maximum of 3 million units per year. Also, fixed costs remain the same regardless of the number of units manufactured until capacity has been reached, at which time the company cannot produce or sell any more without spending money for expansion. In that case, fixed costs will probably jump dramatically because expenditures like rent and additional salaries don’t increase incrementally. For instance, leasing a second factory to double output from 1,500 units to 3,000 units doubles the monthly rent, even if it only produces ten more units—or even zero units. These costs don’t change unless your company expands or contracts more than what your relevant range permits. For instance, you might produce more units one month than the previous month, but your fixed costs will typically not change.

Unit Costs

In this blog post, we will explore what relevant range is, how it can be used to improve decision making, and how to ensure the relevant range used accurately reflects the current conditions of the environment. A prepaid cell phone plan might include a base rate of $30 for 1G of data and $5 for each additional 300 megabytes of data. A salesperson might earn a base salary of $25,000 per year plus $3 for each unit of the product she sells. Equipment rental may cost $8,000 per year plus $1 for each hour used over 10,000 hours. We often state that fixed costs will not change as volume changes.

At the same time, variable costs will be evaluated and a range of possible movement with those expenses created to accommodate any expectations of increase or decrease in those average costs. Alex is a manufacturer whose monthly production is consistently between 20,000 to 50,000 units of the product requiring between 30,000 to 35,000 machine hours. Within this relevant range of activities, the company’s manufacturing operations run smoothly with the same amount or quantity of monthly fixed costs.

  • Probably not, because additional fixed costs would be incurred for facilities, salaried personnel, and other areas.
  • To maintain a profit, you might need to reduce your fixed costs at some point.
  • These are general expenditures that cannot be traced to any one item sold and may include electricity, insurance, depreciation, salary, and rent expenses.
  • The WHO recognises climate change as the biggest health threat facing humanity; it has the potential to undermine decades of progress in global health.
  • The same behavior of costs within the appropriate range is one of the presumptions of CVP analysis.

Since we categorize costs as either fixed or variable, the combination of the two gives us total costs for various levels of production. Although this is probably a more accurate description of how variable costs actually behave for most companies, it is much simpler to describe and estimate costs if you assume they are linear. As long as the relevant range is clearly identified, most companies can reasonably use the linearity assumption to estimate costs.

Does the Concept of Relevant Range Apply to Fixed Costs?

ABCMotorcycles can continue operating within this pertinent range for an additional five years at its current growth rate. By the sixth year, the company’s 10-unit-per-year growth rate equals over 120 units sold, forcing it to raise fixed costs once more. Calculate the cost of doing business at your current rate to determine your relevant range. Production materials are an example of a variable cost that changes depending on how much the business sells.

How to Calculate Ending Inventory Using Absorption Costing

Relevant range helps organizations or companies deal with mistakes in their projections. If an organization or company assumes that all their cost will remain constant, it might lead to errors in their projection. If they ignore their relevant range, unanticipated capacity issues might arise, preventing them from producing all the needed goods simply because they have hit their capacity for a particular time. If we graph the data points we have and then apply a best-fit line to the data, we can see that our formula looks reasonable within a relevant range.

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, companies are looking for ways to remain competitive, and strategic planning is a key element of success. As businesses look to plan for the future, they must consider the concept of relevant range to ensure that their decisions are optimized for long-term success. Relevant range is a tool used to define the scope of a particular problem or decision that must be made, taking into account both the internal and external factors that will influence the outcome. It allows businesses to identify opportunities and threats within their environment that could affect their decision-making process. By understanding what is within their relevant range, businesses can make more informed decisions and plan for the future with greater accuracy and success.

The retail outlet pays $15 and sells them to the consumer for $19.99. My Accounting Course  is a world-class educational resource developed by experts to simplify accounting, finance, & investment analysis topics, so students and professionals can learn and propel their careers. The cost that is relevant to a particular decision � future, incremental cash flows. A forward exchange rate contract that places upper and lower bounds on the cost of foreign exchange. The high and low prices, or high and low bids and offers recorded during a specified time. Harold Averkamp (CPA, MBA) has worked as a university accounting instructor, accountant, and consultant for more than 25 years.

Module 2: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

For instance, a clothing company plans to make 100 shirts and sell them for $10 each, bringing in $1,000. However, the business would spend $1,000 and lose money if it attempted to purchase 10,000 metal snaps at the same unit price of $10 per snap. A particular activity level bound by a minimum and maximum amount. A monetary system under which countries pledge to maintain their exchange rates
within a specific margin around agreed-upon, fixed central exchange rates. Arrangement whereby the shareholders of a project receive output free of
charge but agree to pay all operating and financing charges of the project.

Subtracting variable costs from total mixed costs gives us $35,000 ($69,800 – $34,800). When identifying a relevant range, there is a strong need to make use of factual information. While it is possible to develop some sort of range using all sorts of criteria, including hopes and dreams for the future of the company, those may or may not be grounded in reality. What sets a relevant range apart is that the process calls for remaining grounded in what has a reasonable chance of occurring during the upcoming budgetary period and making allowances for those events. Doing so means the chances of being overwhelmed by shifts in the economy are lessened, which in turn means the business has a better chance of surviving whatever chain of events should come to pass. As a third example, if ABC Company were to produce more than 20,000 of its yellow LED lights, it would need a third shift to produce them, which would require an additional $70,000 annual salary for a shift supervisor.

A Locational Cost-Profit-Volume Analysis

These are general expenditures that cannot be traced to any one item sold and may include electricity, insurance, depreciation, salary, and rent expenses. The concept of the relevant range is critical for budgeting, forecasting, and decision-making purposes because it helps managers and decision-makers understand the limits within which their cost assumptions are accurate. Home Cooked Restaurant employs five servers to cover four sections. Out of the overall profits, which come to $1,200 per night, each server receives $200. The remaining $200 in earnings is used for other expenses like rent.

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