Matematika Bisnis I SBM ITB

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Daftar Topik:


Introduction, Functions and Graphs :
1. Outline the course and tips
2. Cartesian Coordinate System
3. Straight Lines
4. Linear Functions and Mathematical Model

Limit and Derivative :
1. Limits
2. One-Sided Limits and continuity
3. The Derivative
4. Techniques of Differentiation

Derivative :
1. Product and Quotient Rules; Higher-Order Derivatives
2. The Chain Rule – Marginal Analysis and Approximations Using Increment
3. Implicit Differentiation

Applications of derivative :
1. Increasing and Decreasing Functions; Relative and absolute extrema
2. Concavity and Points of Inflection
3. Curve Sketching
4. Optimizations; Elasticity of Demand
5. Additional Applied Optimization

Exponential and Logarithmic Functins :
1. Exponential Functions; Continuous Compunding
2. Logarithmic Functions
3. Differentiation of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
4. Applications

Integration :
1. Antidifferentiation
2. Integration by Substitution
3. The Definite Integral and The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
4. Integration by Parts, Integral Tables
5. Applying Definite Integration Area Between Curves and Average Value
6. Additional Application to Business and Economics

Additional Topics in Integration :
1. Introduction to Differential Equations
2. Improper Integral (type I).

Sets and Counting :
1. Set and Operations and Venn Diagram
2. Permutation and Combination

Probability :
1. Definition of Probability and Rules
2. Bayes Theorem
3. Random Variables
4. Double Integral

Probability Distributions and Statistic :
1. Binomial and Normal Distributions
2. Expected Values
3. Standard Deviations

Informasi Tambahan


Jadetabek, Bandung dan Lainnya


Universitas, Universitas Tingkat Atas

Class Type

Regular, International Class

Private / Group Total Member

1 (Private), 2 (Group), 3 (Group), 4 (Group), 5 (Group), 6 (Group), 7 (Group), 8 (Group), 9 (Group), 10 (Group), 11 (Group), 12 (Group), 13 (Group), 14 (Group), 15 (Group)


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